Forum Rules

TOPIC: Please Read the Forum's Rules below

Please Read the Forum's Rules below 9 years 8 months ago #1

By submitting a post or a comment; you hereby agree with the following terms:

*To accept full responsibility for the posts/comments that you submit.
*No spam, direct/blatant advertising or self-promoting allowed in the forums.
*Please use the search function before posting a new topic and post in the right forums.
*Show respect and courtesy to other members.
*Use descriptive topic subject.
*Respect the privacy of others.
*Members can only have one account on the Forum.
*Respect the moderators decisions, all their editing decisions are considered final.

**Do not post copyright-infringing materials.
**Do not post offensive posts, links or images.
**Do not post adult materials, pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit, or objectifying materials.
**Do not post the same post in different forums.
**Do not be rude and don't attack other users personally, criticise ideas, not people.
**Do not discriminate: you may not offend/insult members based on their race, religion, sex, political beliefs or any other personal preferences.
**Do not post any messages to promote hate, flaming or otherwise any posts which may cause discomfort to other users, this is a friendly forum.
**Do not post any personal information in the messages or in the signature including email address, website address, phone number, etc.
**Do not post any illegal materials including links to warez, warez sites or other websites.
**Do not flood the forum with useless contents.
**Don't threaten other members, threats will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate ban.

Breaking rules will result in deleting your posts and restricting your account in one of the following ways:
2-Placing your account on hold.
3-Temporary Ban.
4-Permanent Ban and blocking to your IP address.

Please read our full terms and conditions.
Last Edit: 9 years 5 months ago by haggag.
The topic has been locked.

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